Fastest Way To Get a Rock Hard Body in 30 Days

When I say “rock hard”, I am talking about biceps, triceps, chest, back, shoulders, quads, glutes, and even your calves shredded and rocking steel hard to the touch! I know what you are thinking, bodyweight exercises are for wimps? That is so far from the truth which is why you will love suspension training!

In this article we will debunk the three common myths about bodyweight training and show you how effective they are.

TRX Training Plan

There is a lot of misinformation about bodyweight training, so let’s solve three of the biggest myths around this kind of training:

MYTH #1:  Bodyweight Exercises are an Easy Option

Bodyweight exercises done properly does hurt. They are brutal to say the least. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself, why do the military and Special Forces rely on bodyweight conditioning to knock recruits into shape?

Just think about it. In real life combat situations muscles aren’t isolated. You use your whole body to run, duck, cover and get yourself into life-saving, combat-ready positions.

At the heart of military-style conditioning is the need for a high strength-to-weight ratio. This is developed through mastering the core bodyweight moves, including squats, pull ups and push-ups.

Going back to basics is not a step backwards. It is proof that you are a master at full body conditioning with a well structured trx training plan to get you into super top shape.

MYTH #2:  You Cannot Build Muscle Using Bodyweight Exercises

Just because you are not lugging weights around the gym does not mean you are not tough. The reason there is a perception that you cannot pack on muscle through bodyweight training is because of a lack of understanding.

You see, you need to understand how to choose the right progressions to increase your strength.

As long as there is tension on the muscle, you can grow. Your muscle does not know if the resistance is an external weight or your own body. Oh, and did I mention that it CAN be really tough.

MYTH #3: Bodyweight Exercises That Really Work are too Difficult to Master

Go on YouTube and you will find a lot of “supermen” showing off their bodyweight moves. Yes, these look impressive but don’t be fooled. You don’t need to focus on super-advanced complex moves to chisel a strong foundation of functional strength.

You just need to do the right moves with the correct form with the right progressions.

Every bodyweight master started from the same point: working on the foundation moves which make up 90% of the strength types.

Only by focusing on the core moves which target each of the Four Strength Types will you really develop powerful “true strength”. The good news is, these are simple and easy to master, as long as you choose the right training.

Focus on engaging your core when you are working out as well. This intensifies your workout and you will see faster results because every muscle in your body is interacting and this has a massive effect on your training. Bodyweight training can be done anywhere.

Do it at home or go out for a run to a local park and start training. This way you incorporate cardio and muscle training that will deliver. Make it happen!

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