Ultimate Pushup and Pullup Workout: Build Strength & Muscle Fast!

If you are looking for a pushup and pullup workout to build up your chest and sculpt your back, then we have the perfect workout for you.

Having a great looking chest and a strong back looks great aesthetically but also gives you that confidence and feel good factor. Most people over think these areas and feel the need to join a gym and lift weights in order to achieve a muscular chest and back.

The most simplest and effective exercises to build strength and muscle mass are right under our noses!

The pushup and pullup. Two Underrated workouts that gets overlooked. And you are using your own bodyweight as resistant.

I bet you can’t even bench press your own bodyweight…. yet!

The beauty of pushups and pullup is, is that you do not need an expensive gym membership for this. You can do it anywhere you want.

What Are Pushups and Pullups?


pushupPushups are a classic bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceps, while also engaging the core and lower body for stability.

They are one of the most effective exercises for building upper body strength and endurance.

Benefits of Pushups

  • Strengthens the Upper Body: Pushups primarily work the pectoral muscles (chest), deltoids (shoulders), and triceps (back of the arms).
  • Engages Core Muscles: The exercise requires core stability to keep the body in a straight line, engaging the abdominal muscles and lower back.
  • Improves Endurance: Performing multiple sets of pushups can enhance muscular endurance over time.
  • Versatility: Pushups can be modified for different fitness levels (e.g., knee pushups for beginners or clap pushups for advanced athletes).

Pushups are a versatile exercise that can be performed almost anywhere, making them a fundamental component of many fitness routines.


pullupPullups are a bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the muscles in the back, shoulders, and arms, especially the latissimus dorsi (lats), trapezius, and biceps.

They are an excellent exercise for building upper body strength, particularly in the back and arms.

Benefits of Pullups

  • Strengthens the Upper Body: Pullups target the lats, traps, and biceps, making them a powerful exercise for developing back and arm strength.
  • Engages the Core: Keeping the body stable during the movement requires engagement of the core muscles, contributing to overall core strength.
  • Improves Grip Strength: Holding onto the bar throughout the exercise helps to build grip strength, which is beneficial for many other exercises and daily activities.
  • Functional Fitness: Pullups mimic natural movements like climbing or pulling, improving functional strength and overall fitness.

Pullups are challenging, but they are highly effective for building upper body strength and can be adapted to different fitness levels.

Key Component

One of the key components to both these exercises is that they engage the core at all times. Not only will you build up your strength, you will improve your core strength and stability which will provide you with an excellent foundation for many workouts.

variations of pushups and pullups

What Are the Different Variations of Pushups and Pullups?

Pushups and pullups are not just one exercise. There are quite a few variations for each that will target different areas of your chest arms, back and shoulders. Depending on what you would like to focus on, on a particular day, you can change up the angle and style and even do a variety of pushups and pullups in a workout. See our workout plan below to get a better idea.

1. Traditional Pushups and Pullups

Traditional pushups and pullups are still effective, no matter where you are, you can bang out a set of pushups easily and quickly. If you have a strong and sturdy horizontal bar, you can do the same for pullups.

Just remember that when doing pushups or pullups, you are not just workout your chest and back muscles. You are working your arms, shoulders, chest and back.


  • The classic pushup:
    Place your hands on the ground shoulder width apart. Lower your chest to the ground and back up again.
  • The wide pushup:
    Place your hands further out past your shoulders. Lower your chest to the ground and back up again. These place more emphasis on the outer pectoralis major.
  • The close/narrow pushup:
    Place your hands on the ground close to your chest. Lower your chest to the ground and back up again keeping your elbows in tight. Do not let them flare out.
  • The diamond pushup:
    Place your hands together on the ground with your thumbs and index fingers touching forming a diamond. Lower your chest to the ground and back up again. Let your elbows move out as you move through this pushup. These place more emphasis on your triceps.
  • The declined pushup:
    Place your hands on the ground shoulder width apart. Place your feet higher than your body using a block, bench or study chair. Get a height that is comfortable for you. Lower your chest to the ground and back up again. This targets the upper pectoralis major.
  • The pike pushup:
    Place your hand on the ground shoulder width apart. Start by lifting your hips up to the ceiling while keeping your arms and legs as straight as possible. Now lower your head down to the ground bending at the elbows. Try go down as far as possible to the ground with your elbows. Be careful not to let your head hit the ground.


  • Traditional pullups:
    Place your hands facing forward on a sturdy bar just outside shoulder width. Pull your body up towards the bar using your back (not just your arms) until your chin reaches the bar. Lower yourself down and repeat.
  • Wide pullups:
    Place your hands facing on a sturdy bar further out than shoulder width. Pull your body up towards the bar using your back (not just your arms) until your chin reaches the bar. Lower yourself down and repeat.
  • Chin-ups:
    Place your hands with palms facing towards you on a sturdy bar about shoulder width apart. Pull your body up towards the bar using your back (not just your arms) until your chin reaches the bar. Lower yourself down and repeat.
  • Negative pullups:
    Just like traditional pullups except that you will be working the other way around with focus on lowering rather than pulling. You will start at the top and slowly lower your body down focusing on the hold. Do this for about 5 counts and repeat. These are great to build strength if cannot do a pullup.

2. Modified Pushups and Pullups

Modified or assisted pushups and pullups are a good way to start if you do not have the strength yet. With pushups and you start with your knees on the ground and do the pushup motion. Build up strength in your arms and chest by doing it this way for a few weeks. You will then be able to progress into a proper pushup.

Doing a pullup right from the start is difficult for most and assisted pullups are an excellent way to build up strength and to perfect the pullup motion.

There are 2 ways of doing an assisted pullup. You can use a rubber band or ask someone to hold your feet up behind you. With the rubber band, you will attach one end to the top of the pullup bar or machine and place one of your feet in the other end. This will help you pull yourself upwards to do the full pullup.

You will tend to use your leg to push up which is normal but try and use less of your leg as you feel you are gaining strength. Then move on to the unassisted pullup.

3. Advanced Pushups and Pullups

Advance pushups and pullups are for athletes who can bang out these exercises no problem and are looking for something more challenging.

One way to test your strength is by trying to perform a one-arm pushup. Place your one arm on the ground centering yourself by balancing. Then lower your chest to the ground and back up again.

Clapping pushups are any traditional pushup with a hand clap when your body is in the up position of the pushup. You are literally pushing your body off the ground and doing a clap in between and bringing your body back to the ground to perform your pushup again.

As for pullups, this is where you can show your strength. Here are few advanced pullups that the advanced athletes can do.

  • Archer pullups:
    Do a traditional pullup by placing your hands a little wider than shoulder width. Pull yourself up to the bar and hold the position. You will then move to your right side and then back over to left side before return to the usual position and lowering yourself.
  • L-sit pullups:
    Start in a traditional pullup position. Now raise your body so that it is perpendicular to your arms. You will be engaging your core as you perform your pullups.
  • Towel ups:
    You will be using a towel for this. Place your towel over the pull up bar and grip the towel with your hands. Pull yourself up into a pullup and back down again. This pullup focus on grip strength.
  • Muscle-ups:
    This is the mac daddy of pullups. You are basically doing a pullup but when you reach the top, you will continue to pull yourself up above the bar. You will need a pullup machine with a lot of head room for this. Outdoor fitness parks are ideal for this.

pushup and pullup workout plan

How Do You Create a Pullups Pushups Workout Plan?

This is the moment that you have been waiting for. The actual pushup and pullup workout plan. I have taken the guess work out and provided you a step by step workout plan to follow. It is a 7 day workout program with 2 rest days in between. Even though the focus is on pushups and pullups, you will feel like it is a full body workout.

1. Determine Your Fitness Level

Are you starting out or have you been working out already? If you are starting, go slowly so that you can build up your strength. Don’t be discouraged if you cannot do much in the beginning. Keep at it and you will be surprised how quickly you will get stronger.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Be smart and set realistic goals that you can achieve. Even if you can only do 2 to 3 reps, do it and keep at it. Achieving these small achievable goals will give you confidence and a feeling of accomplishment.

3. Choose the Right Variations and Reps

We have taken care of the variations for you so that you don’t have worry about what you should be doing next. Just follow my plan. The reps that I set are the standard reps that you can hopefully reach one day and continue with this.

4. Incorporate Rest Days

We have set rest days for you as this is very important to have in any workout. It allows your body to recover and your muscles to repair and grow.

7 day pushup and pullup workout plan

The Pushup and Pullup Workout Plan

Day 1: Strength Focus

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (jogging, jumping jacks)
  • Pushups:
    – Standard Pushups: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
    – Diamond Pushups: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Pullups:
    – Standard Pullups: 3 sets of 5-8 reps
    – Chin-ups: 3 sets of 5-8 reps
  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of stretching, focusing on chest, shoulders, and back

Day 2: Endurance & Volume

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching
  • Pushups:
    – Decline Pushups: 4 sets of 10-15 reps
    – Wide-Grip Pushups: 4 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Pullups:
    – Assisted Pullups (using a band): 4 sets of 8-12 reps
    – Negative Pullups: 4 sets of 5 reps (slow descent)
  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of stretching

Day 3: Rest or Active Recovery

  • Active Recovery: Light activity like walking, yoga, or stretching

Day 4: Explosive Power

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of jump rope or high knees
  • Pushups:
    – Clap Pushups: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
    – Pike Pushups: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Pullups:
    – Explosive Pullups: 3 sets of 3-5 reps (aim to pull as high as possible)
    – L-sit Pullups: 3 sets of 4-6 reps
  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of stretching

Day 5: Hybrid Strength & Endurance

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
  • Pushups:
    – Standard Pushups: 3 sets of 15-20 reps
    – Archer Pushups: 3 sets of 6-8 reps per side
  • Pullups:
    – Standard Pullups: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
    – Towel Grip Pullups: 3 sets of 5-7 reps
  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of stretching

Day 6: Rest or Active Recovery

  • Active Recovery: Light activity like walking, yoga, or stretching

Day 7: Challenge Day

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio
  • Pushups & Pullups Circuit:
    – Set a timer for 20 minutes
    – Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of: 10 Pushups (variation of your choice)
    – 5 Pullups (variation of your choice)
    – Track your progress over time
  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of stretching

This plan will help you build both strength and endurance in your upper body, focusing on pushups and pullups.

form and technique

What Are Some Tips for Proper Form and Technique?

Three important tips that I can give you for proper form and technique are: keeping your core engaged at all times, maintaining proper alignment of your body and breathing correctly.

You will be surprised how much a difference these three simple things can make on your workout and progress.

1. Keep Your Core Engaged

By keeping your core engaged at all times keeps your body locked in to the exercise that you are doing. While you are working on your upper body, you are working your core at the same time.

This helps your body develop and become stronger as well improving your stability. By improving your stability, you will be able to perform better at the exercises that you do and help your form which means you will start getting the most out of your workouts.

You will notice that your posture will start to improve and you will feel more upright and engaged.

2. Maintain Proper Alignment

This is an important factor. Maintaining proper alignment while working out will prevent injury as you are not stressing upper body. Your lower back will be the first place where you will feel discomfort if you do not maintain a good alignment of your body throughout your workouts.

3. Breathe Properly

Breathe in, breathe out! It is that simple yet many get caught up in the moment and really forget to take a breath. With proper breathing, you will focus on your form as well as you align your inhale and exhale with the movement of the exercise that you are doing.

Inhale on the release and exhale on the force. This helps your body to perform at the optimal level as well. If you are not concentrating on your breathing, you may become light headed or your movements will be out of sync.

If you are forcing and inhaling at the same time, you will not be able to get the most out of your movement.

How Can You Progress and Challenge Yourself with Pushups and Pullups?

The answer is absolutely! There is a lot of room for progress and by challenging yourself, you will be able to test your ability and your strength. With the workout plan that I shared with you above, provides a great foundation for you to continue to improve.

You can change it up to your liking. At 20 yard runs in between sets to get your cardio up. Do combos of pushups and pikes pushups. Mix it up and have fun with it.

1. Increase Reps and Sets

By increasing your reps and sets, you will be doing more and this would be a great way to challenge yourself to see how much you could really do. Do you think that you could do 100 pushups a day? Go for it.

Shorten the rest between sets and challenge yourself and your strength.

2. Try More Advanced Variations

Adding different variations to your workout is another excellent way to challenge yourself. Have you ever done spiderman man crawl pushups? Go down into the pushup position and instead of remaining in the same position, crawl forward while doing a pushup at each step forward as if you were Spiderman crawling up a building.

Another variation for pushup is side to side pushups. If you have suspension training straps, try suspended pushups.

There is really so many ways to mix up your workouts and do them differently.

3. Add Weight

Adding weight to your pushups and pullups adds more resistance and in turn requires more energy. Use a weight vest of any type of weights to add more resistance.

common mistakes to avoid

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid?

These 3 mistakes are most common and I see this regularly with people working out. In order to get the most out of your pushup and pullup workout, avoid these 3 mistake below.

1. Arching Your Back

One of the biggest mistakes of pushups, is arching your back. This puts stress on your spine and prevents core engagement. When doing a pushup, your body should form a straight line from head to heal. Imagine your body as a solid steal plank with no bending or breaking.

2. Not Engaging Your Core

Your core is your powerhouse and it plays a crucial roll when performing a pushup. Before you start, engage your core as if someone was about to punch you in the midriff. Brace yourself for the impact that how it feels to engage your core.

This stabilizes your body, maintains form and prevents lower back strain. Remember that a strong core will equal a strong pushup and pullup.

3. Rushing Through Reps

I get it, you want to rush through your workout and get it over and done with. But going for quantity over quality will not provide you with the results that you are looking for. Doing the full range of the pushup and pullup from start to finish engaging each aspect will yield better results and faster than actually rushing through your reps.

How Can You Prevent Injury While Doing Pushups and Pullups?

You will be surprised how quickly and easily you could hurt yourself while doing your workouts. Rushing into a workout and not warming up properly is one of the most easiest way to get injured.

This will set you back as you will have to take time off to recover. So warm up properly, listen to your body and use proper form. Lets discuss them more in general.

1. Warm Up Properly

Warming up properly is essential to avoiding injuries and enhancing performance. Muscles and joints need to be prepared to perform at their best.

Start with dynamic stretches like arm circles, shoulder rotations and torso twists. Incorporate light cardio like jumping jacks and high knees to get your blood flowing and ready for pushups and pullups.

2. Listen to Your Body

Your body is a finely tuned machine and it will tell you when something is not right. Pay attention to how you feel during a workout. If you feel any sharp pains, stop and reassess your form.

It is better to take a break or modify the exercise than to risk injury. Consistency is key so listening to your body helps you stay on track.

3. Use Proper Form

Proper form maximizes results and minimizes injury risks. Make sure to keep your core engage, your body properly aligned and not rushing through your workouts, you will achieve your fitness goals much quicker than not applying these simple tips.

Final Thoughts

Pushups and pullups are excellent exercises to build up your chest and sculpt your back without needing any equipment. You do not need a gym membership to get ripped. All you need is to set yourself a schedule and stick to it.

Do the pushup and pullup workout at home or go for a slow jog to warm up to your local park that has horizontal bar…. ahem monkey bar structure…

You can workout anywhere and get the results that you want. Make it happen!

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